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KEBODIA – Membership

Kebodia is a community-driven member organisation which seeks to provide a vibrant port of call for Kenyans and friends of Kenya residing in Botswana. The association organises official celebration functions, provides a platform for community members to network with each other as well as providing much needed support to members where needed.


KEBODIA subscribes to ethos of equality, equity and diversity and is therefore open to all Kenyans and their affiliates (family members) living in Botswana. Hence, KEBODIA is open to Kenyans irrespective of their race, gender, religion, political, career or immigration status.

Who can be a member?

Membership is open to ANY Kenyan national residing in Botswana, Batswana of Kenyan origin resident in Botswana, Non-kenyans Married to Kenyans resident in Botswana, Body Corporate & Imminent personalities.

Membership Categories

Full Membership:
Open to all Kenyan national or Batswana of Kenyan origin or a Motswana Married to a Kenyan national who is committed to abide by our constitution
Associate Membership:
Open to all persons who have ceased to be full members by virtue of either resignation or relocation and still wish to support the aims & objectives of the association.
Honorary Membership:
Open to all persons and organizations, who do not qualify to be either full members or associate members and are either:
a) friends of Kenya
b) Full-time students in any tertiary institution in Botswana
c) legally constituted body corporate & are intrested in the promotion of the objectives and purposes of this association and further promise to abide by this constitution either as individuals or body corporate.

Being a member of a Kenya Botswana Diaspora Association can provide several benefits, including:

  • Community Support: KEBODIA acts as a support system for members who are living away from home. This offers a sense of community, solidarity, and belonging, which can be especially important when living abroad. A great initiative by KEBODIA is the group Insurance by CIC.
  • Networking Opportunities:KEBODOIA provide a platform for networking with fellow Kenyans and Botswanans living in the diaspora. Allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals, professionals, entrepreneurs, and experts in various fields. Networking can lead to valuable connections, career opportunities, and collaborations.
  • Cultural Preservation: Diaspora associations play a crucial role in preserving and promoting the culture, traditions, and heritage of Kenya and Botswana. KEBODIA often organizes some cultural events, festivals, and celebrations that allow members to reconnect with their roots and pass down their cultural knowledge to future generations. Usually at the end of the year or if an occasion calls for it. If you are a Kenyan in Botswana and have some Ideas on how we can do more cultural events please get in touch with KEBODIA.
  • Information and Resource Sharing: Membership in a diaspora association provides access to a wealth of information and resources related to both the home country and the host country. KEBODIA Members can receive updates on news, events, and opportunities in Kenya and Botswana. Most of the time In conjunction with the Kenyan High Commission. KEBODIA also shares knowledge and experiences about living in the diaspora, such as tips on immigration, education, healthcare, and employment.
  • Advocacy and Representation:KEBODIA serves as a collective voice for members, advocating for their rights and interests by addressing issues affecting the diaspora community, collaborating with local authorities, and working towards positive changes, such as improved consular services, ongoing dialogue on voting rights, or Passport application processes etc.
  • Philanthropic Activities: Many diaspora associations engage in charitable or philanthropic initiatives to give back to their home and host countries. By being a member, you can participate in community development projects, fundraising activities, educational scholarships, healthcare campaigns, or other initiatives aimed at making a positive impact. For example, KEBODIA engages in the occasional blood drives as well as the Previous fundraising is done for the Covid fund drive.
  • Business and Investment Opportunities: Membership in a diaspora association can open doors to business and investment opportunities in both Kenya and Botswana. Associations often provide a platform for connecting with potential partners, investors, and business professionals who can help navigate the local markets and establish business ventures. Currently, KEBODIA is working on establishing SACCO.

You are most welcome to join our KEBODIA community.  If you would like to join us, please fill in the attached form and register to become a member.

Dues & Fees

To be a member in good standing one must have PAID the annual subcriptions of P240 by March 31st of each year.
For New Members, membership registration is P50 plus the annual subscription.
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