What can we do for you

If you would like to know more about how we can work for you, have any questions, comments or suggestions , Our friendly Team would be happy to respond to your inquiry. Kindly use the form below to contact us

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Contact Details

Postal Address
P.O Box 82099
Gaborone Botswana

Cell/WhatsApp: (+267) 7155 7330
Email : kebodiateam@gmail.com
           : info@kebodia.org.bw
Chairman : chairman@kebodia.org.bw
Vice Chairman : vchairman@kebodia.org.bw
Secretary : secretary@kebodia.org.bw
Assistant Secretary : vsecretary@kebodia.org.bw
Treasurer: treasurer@kebodia.org.bw

Banking Details:
Bank Name: First National Bank(FNB)
Account name: Kenya Botswana Diaspora Association
Account number: 62770545039
Branch: Kgale View 284567
Swift Code: FIRNBWGX

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